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white cloud minnows

25 9:12:08



Followup To

Question -
i have a 55 gallon tank and would like to get a few white cloud mountain minnows.i have two gold fish that are tiny. my question is can mountain minnows survive in the same tenpuratures as goldfish?

Answer -

Unfortunately I deal mostly with tropical tanks, as opposed to cold water aquariums. I can say though, that I believe that white cloud minnows and goldfish (both being cold water fish) can both easily survive at room temperature, or slightly warmer if you do in fact have a heater.

I hope this helps,

From Stephanie

i have a few more questions...are bettas tropical fish? am i feeding my fish too little? i give them each 1 flake and they seem to be eating the alge growing on one corner of my gold fish are demented...they are only 1.5 inches and i had them for two years...


There is much debate about whether bettas are better suited for cold water or tropical aquarium set ups. I find bettas are healthier and happier in a warmer tank, however, they are very solitary fish so putting them in a warm tank that has other fish can stress them out too much. When they are in cold water though, they are more docile and may have a better chance at survival with other fish around.

If your gold fish seem a little more hungry then they should be try giving them an extra bit every so often. They may just be nibbling algae for a new taste. Fish don't eat a lot. Don't be surprised that they haven't grown though. They could be a small goldfish variety, runts or slow growing.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie