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Snail keeping

25 9:12:08

Hi, I recently found a small snail in my 20 gallon tropical fish tank. I think i came from the live plant I got a couple of weeks earlier.I know that snails can reproduce fast so I took it out and put it in a small fish bowl. I find snails fascinating and I would like to buy some for a seperate tank. If I buy a few and put them in a 2 gallon tank do they require a certain water temperature? What can I feed them(ive been cutting of excess leaves off my live plant for the one I have now)? What can I do so that they breed fast?, Id like to have a bunch of them.At what size do they start breeding? I dont know the kind of snail I got but its brownish with a pointed swirl shell. I hope you can help me.  Thanks . Olivier

Hi Olivier;

It's nice to hear from someone who appreciates snails! Most requests are for getting rid of them. Snails are very cool little critters. I have a 10 gallon tank of ramshorns and malaysian trumpets. Yours may be just regular pond snails, but here is a great web page with some photos and how to identify yours;

Here is more info on them;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins