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about oscar fish

23 15:41:39

QUESTION: I am having four oscars, one arowana and two red parrots in my tank and i want to know which other fishes i can keep with them.


First off I hope you have a 500 gallon tank if you want to house the Oscar and the Arowana.  The Oscar is a very aggressive fish and needs to have tank mates that are also aggressive. I would immediately remove the Red Parrots from from that tank, because the Oscar can and most likely will eat them. As far as the Arowana and the Oscar being together, yes it has been done, but I wouldn't advise it. So, think about how you want to house these fish. The Arowana is an expensive fish for it to turn out to be Oscar food. When you have chosen what fish you are keeping, then I will be able to answer the question better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for the advise
i have two tanks of L(6ft)*H(2ft)*W(2ft) and in one i kept oscar and in other arowana now please tell me the fishes which i kept with oscar and arowana?


Ok, the best tank mates for an Oscar are other Oscars, but if you want to have variety you can add,
2. bottom feeders such as catfish like  pictus cats and clown loaches, texas cichlids, green terrors, severums, firemouths, and convicts. Just remember to add one fish at a time to reduce aggression.  Also never put in a fish that is smaller than you Oscar, or it will most likely be eaten.

For the Arowana you can add a Clown Knifefish, Pacu, plecostomus, jaguar cichlids, green terrors, gar and whatever aggressive type of fish as long as it doesn't fit in the Arowana's mouth. Again some people say its ok to put an Oscar with it but i wouldn't recommend it.

Hope this helps.

GOod Luck