Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Urgent - parrot cichlid - sic

Urgent - parrot cichlid - sic

25 9:06:45

175 gallon tank - since 7/23/06.
My nitrates came in today @ 80 ppm.
I was advised to do a water change.
Did 45 gallons - approx.
Added stress coat.
My other fish are fine - 2 angels, 2 gourami's,
1 - fire eel, 1 teapcup stingray, 1 kissing gourami.
My parrot is on the bottom of tank - sideways and barely breathing (looks like she's gasping)
Can I do anything for her?  

Hi April,
Thank you for your letter. The problem is probably water pollution. Fish food contains animal products. When they rot in the tank they pollute the water and kill the fish. Your fish has the symptoms of over feeding.
Please read my page for wholistic aquarium care and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page for emergency treatment.
Please print the page for future reference and write back if you want to discuss further.