Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > coppersafe


23 16:52:32

Awhile back, I had a few snails.  My wife thought they were cute and asked me to leave them in.  Ram horn snails.  So, against my better judgement, as I know they multiply like rabbits, I left them alone.  Within a month, I had a serious snail infestation.  I used coppersafe to remove the snail problem, and then, no snail, no plants, no shrimp, nothing survived...except fish.  Now this was a long time ago.  I have added mystery snails, shrimp and live plants back to the aquarium, but they still die.  How do you get rid of coppersafe?  I love having live plants in my aquarium, and a few (large) snails, and a few shrimp, but I can not keep them alive any longer.  Any suggestions?  Tank is a 20 gallon.

Dear Adrian,
Sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having...
Water changes are by the far the best way to remove Coppersafe from your aquarium for a few days. I would repeat at least 30-% water changes in your aquarium. Also run a lot of carbon in your filter which will help absorb the coppersafe. You can change out the carbon every day to every few days if you like. After a while the Coppersafe should be certainly gone. If you like you could do a trial test with some inexpensive ghost shrimp and see how well they do. I can bet that with lots of water changes and the use of carbon you should definitely get rid of the coppersafe.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!