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lethargic irridescent sharks

25 9:15:16

Hi Stephanie,

I hope you can save my two pals!

A bit of history. I have only got 25" of fish total in my 50 gallon tank. I've recently upsized from a 25 gallon tank. I cleaned and prepped everything as advised and everybody was doing well. Except the sharks. They have been skitish since day one(they were 8 or 9 mo old at the time of this move), and were just as skitish after the move. As well, for the most part they just sat on the bottom or hid under a rock ledge I built up. They hardly ate anything, but I thought they'd get get back after the initial shock wore off. Not so. Now they don'y eat anything, they stay laying on the bottom all the time now, and have developed some fin rot on the dorsal and pectorals. Just today I had the water tested and everything checked out fine. On the advice of the local expert, I've added a dose of "PimaFix" and "MelaFix" (natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial remedies) and another dose of Seachem "Stability". I was also advised to do a heavy water vacuum and to lower the temp from 80-81 to 75-76. Does all this sound practical? Is there anything else I should do?

I love these two and don't want to lose them.

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer,



Yes, most of this sounds perfect! I myself have often recommended Melafix and Pimafix as they are both very good. Just a couple things. Don't tamper with the temperature. During illness, if anything, temperature is raised. However, if it is only fungus then temperature probably won't have an impact. Also, make sure you don't syphon off too much water, because you want to make sure there is some good bacteria left over. All the rest sounds like good adivce!

From Stephanie