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Small Molly looks pregnant

23 16:10:03

one of my molly is less than 2cm but looks very pregnant.. She looks so tiny but
so pregnant.. almost going to burst.  i have other mollies much bigger in size
and have successfully bred; and the little one looks just like the bigger ones
when pregnant.

If your molly is still eating then feed her brine shrimp.  She may have an intestinal blockage or she may have a disease we call Dropsy.  If her scales are standing out from her side then she has dropsy. Dropsy is a fatal disease that effects the kidneys and the poor fish retain fluid until they die.  If you suspect that she has dropsy then you will need to put her to sleep... there is a product called FINQUIL that is easy to use and non-stressful to the fish... please keep me posted... dave