Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > hardness


23 16:24:28

Hi mike, i wanted to add crushed coral to my freshwater aquarium to raise the hardness. Right now i have a 40 gallon tank. I want to raise my kh about 2 levels, or 36 ppm higher. How much crushed coral do i use? I want a moderately hard water. Any advice? Thanks

there are several factors that contribute to the hardness/alk/calcium
they are all tied together.
I used to use nylon sacks in my power filters, or in cannister filters as water flowing over the media facilitates release of the compounds faster due to natural erosion and interaction.
I would test now, and add to the filters, or you can add directily to the gravel.
I would add it in in pound increments, giving it time to be absorbed into the system, or you can take the easy way and add suppliements to bring the DH up.
If you have additional questions feel free to ask.