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30 gallon tank

23 15:34:35

I have just recently set up a 30 gallon freshwater tank and have 14 tetras, 2 catfish and 2 snails. The set-up came with a 20-40 gallons filter and I have an aerator as well.  I still have problems with bacterial and algae blooms and was considering adding a internal filter. First, do you recommend two filters and if so what size internal filter do I need to supplement with?

Hi Cyndie,

1" of fish per gallon, to 1.5 gallons.  

14 tetra = 1.5" of fish times 14.  That means you need at least 21 gallons just for them, and the catfish are additionally another five.

Your tank is appropriately sized for the fish, so let's take a look at the filter.

A 20-40 filter is not enough, in my opinion, if it's not properly maintained.  The 20 gallon is what you go by.  Never the 40.  Companies completely mis-rate filtration units.  It's unfair to the public, in my opinion.

So your filter is too small.  This is the cause of bacteria/algae.

Let's take a look at why.

Bacteria and algae live on what?  Poop, food, excess waste.

You have very clean fish.  Therefore there isn't a lot of poo coming from them, and if you do your water changes at a rate of 25% monthly, as recommended by experts, you probably would never have any real issues with water, but the filter you use is too small to keep up, so even if you are a diligent aquarium-keeper, your filter is not doing its job.  

If feeding tetra, remember, they only require one tiny feeding per day.  That means only enough food for them to demolish in 1 minute, without any excess hitting the bottom of the tank.  If concerned about your catfish, don't be.  There will always be a flake or two hit the bottom, or you can put them down there, but don't allow flaked food to just fall through the water to the bottom, please.

Algae also requires light.  Light helps it grow, but it's often NOT the source of the issue.

I recommend the following:

#1, New filter.  Please replace, or add a 2nd filtration unit to your aquarium.  They are bundled together, and are always inefficient.

#2, please curb feeding rituals.

#3, Change water at a rate of 25% monthly, but because you have an algae bloom now, please change out 75% of it asap.  If you have algae, you have ammonia.  This will kill the tets.  They are very sensitive.

#4, Make sure to follow expert advice, rather than petstore advice, or packaged advice.  Filters are bundled wrong.  Simple as that.  Wrong ratings, and inappropriate info on how to care for them.

#5, Clean the filtration media monthly.  

This should really curb the algae outbreaks.

You can additionally add Zeolyte crystals to a net and put it in one of the filters.  It will keep ammonia and nitrites down.


Happy fish-keeping,
