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The Oranda that died

23 15:34:44

Hi, They said I can't ask another question but what pump should I get for the 10 gallon tank now for our new little guys we bought yesterday, the lion-head Oranda's? You e-mailed me back saying that the filter-pump that came with my 10 gallon is not suffient.
Thanks again, Catherine

Hi Catherine,

I would get a pump rated from 20/40 gallons.  You have goldfish.  They are extreme poopers.  They require stronger filtration.

There are nice pumps like the one at

Here is how to read ratings for filtration - If it says it's 20 to 40 gallons, never, ever go with the 40.  It is the 20.  So, you would be properly double-rated for your ten gallon tank.  This will help to keep the water sparkling clean, but you will still have to do water changes monthly.  25% every month to maintain any aquarium, with any type of fish. :)

I really, really hope this helps, Catherine.  I am a mother also.  My girls are 20 and 26, however, when they were little and lost their goldfish, we had to burry it in the backyard and my little one cried for hours.  I know how hard that was to go through and I'm really glad you got the help you needed and so I wish you the very best of luck.

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