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algae blook

23 15:58:32

I had a 3-month testing OK 10 gal  Oceanic Biocube that had to be replaced
due to a malfunction. I replaced it with a14 gallon Biocube and when it tested
ok I transferred the fish. The fish have been in about 2 weeks and now I have
really bad algae bloom.  I had  been using RO water but after some reading
decided to go back to  treated tap  on the last water change. I have 7
2 dwarf gouramis, 3  mini corys, one mini pleco and a few ghost shrimp.
load to go into the new tank at the same time but I had no choice. Fish look
and act healthy and tests ran about 90% okay. Have one live anachris plant.
you think the bloom will cycle out?  I'm not over-feeding. Should I remove
live plant and keep the lights off? I've had big tanks before (up to 150) and
never had a problem like this. Frustrating for what I thought would be a
simple addition to the household.   Thanks for your imput... Carol

Hi Carol,
I would suggest that you perform 20% water changes every two days. Also, if you have the tank in direct sunlight, move it to a shady place. Keep the light on for no more than 10 hours a day. Don't remove the plant, and don't shut off the light 24/7.

Next time, don't add too many fish at a time.

Good Luck with your aquarium!