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Overstocked or not?

23 16:19:00

Hello. I am currently running a 29 gallon tank (30"x12"x18").
It is filtered by an Aquatech 60 (made for up to 60 gallon tanks - 380 gph).  It has a well established biological colony and is cleaned up by 5 mystery snails and about 15 ghost shrimp.  I do weekly (every other week sometimes) ~20% water changes.  I have no problem with pollution and have never had a fish die.  My question is do I have any more room in this tank for other fish, or should I leave it how it is? Contained now is:
6 Zebra Danios (1-1.5 inch)
1 Albino Rainbow Shark (4 inch)
1 Silver Dollar (4.5 inch)
1 Common Pleco (6 inch)
1 Pictus Catfish (3.75 inch)
1 Peacock Eel (6 inch)
1 Hi-Fin Lyretail Swordtail (2.5 inch)
1 Tiger Barb [I know I should have more] (2 inch)
1 Siamese Algae Eater (2 inch)
All of my fish are full grown (because I have had them all for about 6 months and they haven't grown in a while) except maybe the SAE.  Is this overstocked or not? Thank you for your help

Hi Nick,
Well, it seems your tank is Ok except for a few of the fish that have the potential to grow very large.

The Common pleco is the first one on the list of outgrowing your tank. These guys easily reach a foot and some grow to 1 1/2 feet. And then there is the Peacock eel, he can grow larger but in captivity they usually grow to about 6 inches.

You are in fact well-stocked and if not overstocked. If you removed the pleco and maybe the eel, you might could increase the numbers of the smaller fish slightly. Testing your water also helps determine if the tank is healthy and not overstocked. If your nitrates are consistantly low (below 20) then you are probably alright.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!