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cross breeding

23 15:54:55

i was wondering if it is possible to cross breed live bearers? i have guppies and was wondering if they could breed with mollies or swordtails? and is there a chance that these fry could could have fry there selves?

Hi Robert,

The similarity of Guppies compared to other Livebearers is not enough for them to be able to cross-breed. Guppies will peacefully co-exist with any other livebearer, but will not mate with one from a different species.

However, Platy fish can cross-breed with Swordtails. (If you look at them, you'll see that a Swordtail is essentially a Platy with a longer, pointed tail.) The female Swordtails are even more similar to Platies. Outcrossing a Platy with a Swordtail can create a fish that has the best characteristics of both, and this is often done in breeding. However, too frequent outcrossing may produce less healthy or strong babies.

Remember to keep one male Livebearer to three females - this will increase the chance for more babies and will reduce stress in females, contributing greatly to your breeding goals. Good water quality for fry is a must.

I hope this helps, and Happy Fishkeeping!