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Angelfish and Shrimp

23 16:48:20

Hello, I have a 30 gallon tall tank and am in the process of re-stocking it after a terrible mishap with a local fishstore. It is completely cycled and currently holds, two albino cory cats, two clown loaches, and two silver dollars. They are all doing well and have been in the tank for over a month. I want to add an angelfish. I have learnt to have a quarantine tank and in my quarantine tank have three ghost shrimp keeping it clean. Well, if I get an angelfish I would first quarantine it in the little tank with the ghost shrimp. My question is, would the angelfish, even if small, eat the shrimp? I do not want anything to happen to the ghost shrimp because they are doing a fantastic job keeping my quaranine tank clean. Please let me know if you think the angelfish would pester or eat the shrimp. Thanks.  


In my experience smaller angelfish are not usually vicious enough to eat your ghost shrimp. Plus, because of their long fins it is difficult for angelfish to bully or eat a critter that lives on the bottom. Their fins would be quite cumbersome and make it very difficult.

I hope this helps.
