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Fungus - Malawi cichlids

23 16:37:29

I have a community aquarium with danios, swprdtails and corydoras 3no. I noticed one of them has fungus ( I saw him sitting on a rock, many plants ). Just wondering how best to treat will melafix do. Should I remove him to seperate tank or treat in this tank.  

Hi Aidan,
If you catch the fungus early, Melafix -and- Pimafix (which tends to lean more towards fungus treatment and the two combined together can be very effective) seperating the fish would be best but you can use melafix and pimafix in the main aquarium with very few problems.

As always, make sure the fish has good water quality always as this helps them heal more than anything. If the fungus persists and melafix doesn't help then you may have to use a stronger medication. I have found that "Fungus Clear" by Jungle brand works really well.

Best of luck and I hope this helps!