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10gal tropical fish tank

25 9:11:08

I just bought a 10 gallon tropical fish Top Fin kit.  We set up the aquarium and waited five days  had the pet store check the water they said the levels were good so we got two cichlids I think they are red parrots?  I just know they are soo pretty.  I have never had fish before.  According to the material we received from the pet store I only have to clean the tank once a month.  Now I'm hearing every two weeks.  I have one live plant that I was told is supposed to help with keeping levels normal.  I have the temp at about 78 degrees.  Is that too warm?  How often do I need to clean it?  How do I clean it.  Do I save 2/3 of the water take the fish out and empty the rest and clean the rocks and everything every time?  HELP!!  Any and all info you can give me will be so appreciated.  I tried to check levels with those test strips, it says on the box how simple they are but the results made the colors brighter/darker than they are on the box does that mean I have too much of PH etc?  I really don't want to kill these guys they seem really healthy and happy now and I would like to keep it that way.  Thank you.

Hi Dawn,
Thank you for your question. Everything you need is at my easy care aquarium page here:
Please read it and print it out for future reference. My holistic system revolves around using "Cycle" (friendly bacteria) and preventing pollution by limiting the amount you feed.
My instructions discuss cleaning, plants, temperature, etc.
After studying my system, feel free to write back if you want to discuss further.