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fish food?

23 16:09:17

David, My name is Maddy and my husband and I had a goldfish tank filled with just goldfish that have now all passed. We just got a new 10gal tank with other freshwater fish (guppies, swordtail, bluebottom molly?, and an alge eater).We forgot to get different food. Can we feed them the goldfish food jusst for tonight? We'll buy the correct food tomorrow (any suggestions on brand?).

Hi Maddy:  Congrats on the new tank... yes you can feed the new fish goldfish food for tonight... in fact... If you feed them twice per day I would feed them goldfish food in the morning and tropical fish food in the evening until the goldfish food is gone... then just feed them the tropical flake food... They will also LOVE occasional treats of brine shimp and tubi-flex worm (live or frozen work for both)...  dave