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What type of fish is best to keep for beginner

23 16:28:50

Hi Krista,
I received Christmas gift with 2.5 gallon tank, and 2 baby goldfish, with air pump, filter, and airstone. One goldfish died yesterday, another seems to be dying soon. They were cute and active in the very first 2 days, but their energy were winding off..
Since I already have the tank, I wonder what kind of fish will be best for me to keep in a small tank like this. I understand that this small tank is probably too small for goldfish, so I wonder if any kind of tropical fish is recomended especially for beginner,and I am a student, I am stressed with school, hopefully keeping fish will give me pressure and reduce my stress, I hope these dying fish issue  will not happen again when I go and buy one or 2 new fish to keep.
Thanks for your help

Hello there ^_^,
The best type of fish you can put in that tank is a Betta. They don't need all the filtration but it won't harm them to have it and they do fine in small spaces. Goldfish need at least 5 gallons per inch of them. Goldfish let off a lot of ammonia and two of them in a small space could have been your problem. Betta's are very easy to take care of and very colorful.