Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Fish in 20 gal tank into a 55 gal

Fish in 20 gal tank into a 55 gal

23 16:35:58

I have a 20 gallon tank w/ about 10-12 smaller fish. I am looking into upgrading to a 55 gal or so tank and want to include my current fish into that tank.
My question wahat is the best way to move my fish from the 20 to the 55 gal tank w/o harming them. (not physically, but water chemically ph, etc)
Whats the best way?


Hi Tony
I saw your question in our question pool.

When you get the larger tank, use the gravel, decorations, even the filter with the filter pad from the 20 gallon on the 55 gallon.  Keep all those items wet-don't let them dry out, in fact just leave them in the 20 gallon until you're ready to move it to the 55-and have that filled up with water already.  Reason being, all of your beneficial bacteria is growing on the gravel, decorations, and mainly in the filter pad and other stuff in the filter.  Moving that over to the new tank, will be like "seeding" it as it's commonly referred to.  So, that should cut down considerably on the new tank having to go through the cycle process.  Run the old filter and the new one for the 55 on the tank at the same time.  That way the new filter can get established with it's own bacteria colony, and then I would continue to just run both of them on the larger tank-it won't hurt.

For the fish, once you get the 55 gallon filled up with water, I would move them to a couple of buckets with the 20 gallon tank water-fill it about 1/2 way.  Slowly, over the course of about an hour, add a cup at a time of the 55 gallon tank water to their bucket.  That will help them to adjust to any temperature or ph changes from the 20 gallon.  Try to get the temperature close to their 20 gallon temperature though.  Not too difficult to do, shouldn't have any problems.  Good luck!
