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Bloated Female Angelfish

25 9:17:16

Dear Karen,

I read your response to another person regarding this topic, and in relation have some more questions.

i have a 40 gallon tank with one 2 year old female angel, two 2 year old clown loaches, 2 nine month coolie loaches, 3 two year old tetra's, golden, 1 2 year old barb, and then brought in a few new additions...tiny barbs, 3 of them to keep the other one company, and then bought some baby nickel sized angels to hopefully rear her up a male.  stupid me didn't quarantine, and lost one barb, all but one angel.  

at any rate i didn't think much of my angels' fatness was ailment, because she was fine, eating and pooping and brilliantly colored and shiny...after i added the new fish, a week and a half ago, she started off the food, and i haven't seen her poop...but she also got dusty in certain angles vs. the nice irridescent sheen she normally i diagnosed for velvet and am treating with copper safe.  I have added 1/2 the required aquarium salts to the water, i normally don't put them in at all.

the tank is at 82 degrees, amonia, ph, and nitrites are in the safe range..nitrates are a bit high.  I'm doing 10% water changes daily at this point.

my question is sure seems she might be it safe to put epsom salts in this tank with copper safe?  with loaches?

she is hanging out near the top above the bubbles from the air pump.  thus why i increased the air pump flow and added some aquarium salt to the water.

Help?  Marble's been with us for two years and I really want to help her.


Hi Verica!
Oh..I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Velvet is a pretty bad disease--but it can be cured. Gasping at the top is a symptom of velvet and it's good that you acted right away to her symptom. Velvet is typically caused by unstable temperatures or temperatures that are too cool for that particular fish--and of course it can be brought in by newcomers. It can also exist as a secondary infection from other illnesses.. Generally it appears as if the fish were sprinkled in fine gold powder/sometimes it appears silverish. Not to be confused with Ick parasites which are much larger.

I wouldn't call it safe to use espom salt with your loaches. Even just regular aquarium salt is bad for them so I would'nt risk it--and I've never tried it.

I have sucessfully treated constipation with feedings of thawed out green peas. Simply Pop them out of their shell, mash them up and hand feed it to her with a blunt toothpick. Most fish--even carnivorous ones, will eat the pea eagerly. Make sure the pea is room temperature and always pop it out of it's shell. Give her a few bites about three times a day.
As for the Velvet, keep up with those great water changes! That's the best thing you can do for a fish especially when they are ill. Continue with the copper safe-- one dose should be enough as if I am not mistaken copper safe stays in the water and doesn't lose it's efficiency. Keep her warm and in well oxygenated water as you are doing already. Keeping the light out in the tank is also beneficial for helping to deal with the velvet parasites.

So far you have been doing everything right for Marble. Try her on frozen thawed green peas for her constipation--you'll most certainly have to hand feed it to her from a blunt toothpick. It can be hard not to frighten her but eventually you should be able to get her to take it. 1-2 days--possiblly a little longer should be all that is needed to feed the peas. Then try to start her on her regular food and include variety--that is if she will eat. Also make sure she doesn't have dropsy--which is highly distinguished from other illnesses by the fishes 'pine cone' appearance from raised scales.
I do hope this isn't her case.

I really hope this helps! If you have anymore questions or concerns, feel free to email me...

Best wishes to you and Marble! Hope she gets well soon!

Happy fishkeeping!