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Dechlorinator.... deadly?

23 16:22:09

Hi, Karen!

Today I was in the pet store and decided to pick up some freshwater dechlorinator, remembering that I had run out yesterday. However, today I purchased a new brand of dechlorinator, figuring that it worked the same way that my old dechlorinator worked. However when I got home I noticed that the tiny bottle of $2.59 dechlorinator treated 1200 gallons of water! WAAAOOOH! Thats a lot of water! So I looked at the dosage and It said that you had to add 1 milliliter of dechlorinator per 10 gallons! I have betta fish in 2-3 gallon tanks each!

A dillema...

What I was wondering is, would a little overdosage of dechlorinator hurt my betta fish? If not thats GREAT, and I wouldn't majorly overdose them. If that would hurt my betta fishies, then do you have any suggestions to make using this product more realistic? Or should I just return it?

Thanks a lot!!

Hi Phoebe!
I actually like to be more cautious in my dosing in a way where I actually overdose a little. I never know what's in my water and/or how much more chlorine or chloramines they are putting into it. So I'd rather be safe than sorry. I actually use 1/4 teaspoon of water conditioner per gallon of water. That's with about all the water conditions. And I've had a lot of different kinds. The new dechlorinator is probably very concentrated to treat that many gallons. So you probably wouldn't need to use too much. But, I worry too much and I also add a little bit extra! ;-) Actually for example, "Amquel" water conditioner dosage is about 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons, so a five gallon tank would be 1/2 a teaspoon of course. And then a 2.5 gallon would be about 1/4 of a teaspoon. So you can get a good general idea from this.
Either way, a little overdosage won't hurt.

Best wishes!!!