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Red Sword tails

25 9:17:17

I have noticed my red swordtails are losing their color. They have only been in the tank for about a week. I am also curious about the best way to take the hardness out of water. Thanks


Loss of color is unfortunately a symptom for nearly every disease or poor water condition out there. It would be very hard for me to guess what the cause is without more symptoms being shown. However, you can take a few general precautions by testing your water for ammonia and nitrite and making sure you have appropriate filteration and aeration. If you see more symptoms, or have more information please get back to me.

About water hardness. If it is your tap water that is hard, and you already have your fish living in it, then I recommend not changing it. Chances are the fish already adapted to the water in your area if you bought the fish at a locl pet store. Making a change in water hardness could make it worse.

If you still are sure that you would like to soften your water here are a few suggestions:

1) Some decor can change water chemistry. Certain rocks, substrate and clay pipes can increase hardness. On the other hand, wood cork bark and coconut shells will soften water.

2) Peat moss (specifically designed for fishtanks) is the most common way to soften water. You can use peat moss in a fine mesh bag and add it straight to your filter. Just make sure you rinse the peat moss off to get rid of any dust before you put it in the filter. If you need to make a fine net bag for the peat moss, I recommend using a new pair of nylons, which you should also rinse in clean water (or water removed from your tank in a bucket).

I hope this helps, and that if you red swordtails show any more symptoms you will be able to diagnose it or you will contact me again.

Best of luck,
From Stephanie