Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > new orange shine to my fan tail guppie

new orange shine to my fan tail guppie

23 16:48:43

i have had my guppies for about 2 months now and have recently noticed a orange color to them.  they are silver on the body with only blue fins.  can you tell me what this is??


Without seeing a picture of them to determine exactly what you mean when you say "orange shine", I can only make a suggestion. Are they in with other fish? Sometimes fish can change colour to either blend in with their surroundings or other fish that may be in their tank. Unless they are exhibiting behaviour different to normal, I wouldn't be too worried but as I said, this is just a guess as I am not exactly sure what you meant by "orange shine".

Sorry I couldn't be more help!

Cheers! Rach