Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > would it be too much.

would it be too much.

25 9:14:37

I have a 20 gal tank and the filter system that I am useing doesn't produce that okay or should it produce them. Also would it be too much to have two pumps...1 20-30 gal and 1 5-15? I was just curious because I have them both and cant return either.

Hi Shaun,
Thanks for your questions. You can have both filters, but it should not be necessary if you do not over feed. The water should stay clear with just one filter. You might keep one in waiting in case the first one breaks down. The bubbles are a different contraption, usually a little motor with a plastic tube. You hook up a little air stone or other asembly on the end to diffuse the bubbles. It helps keep the water fresh.
Here's my online guide for easy aquarium care. You're welcome to print it out for future reference. Write back if any problems or if you want to discuss further.