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oscar fish and jack dempsey fish

23 16:00:52

i need some advice about my 5in  tiger oscar and my 4in jack dempsey fish.I have them both in about a 70 gallon tank, and i asked around and some people sayed that they were good tank mates then some said that they are bad tank mates. Most people said that the jack will be to aggressive. They been in the 70 gallon for about a month know and the are doing ok sometimes they will fight head on but it is only mild aggression or playing around i don't know , but my Oscar fish always wins the battles. i just wanted to know in the long run will this stay ok will it get better or will it get worse.(i know him going to need a bigger tank).But also what other fish can i put with a oscar.thanks

Hi David

Cichlids will be Cichlids, some more aggressive than others. Oscar tank mates are generally a hit and miss. Jack Dempsey is usually compatible with the Oscar. If this appears to be mild or playful aggression, (darting at each other without contact, an occasional chase etc) I would leave them together. If they are actually fighting with physical contact, I would definitely separate them or one will likely end up injured or dead. I keep an Oscar only tank with 2 Oscars, a Black Shark and a Pleco and I don't have any problems. What works for one may or may not work for another.

Silver Dollars are often good in Cichlid tanks, They are a peaceful, non-aggressive fish but can defend themselves against fish of the same size. Make sure any tank mates you put in with the Oscar are the same size or slightly larger than the Oscar. Be sure to provide plenty of rocks and plants for hiding places. Good filtration is also recommended as one Oscar alone can be quite messy.

Hope this is helpful to you, good luck!
