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discus & angelfish

23 16:20:39

Hello. If the water conditions are right and the fish are healthy and thriving, I was wondering is it possible to keep Discus and Angelfish together in the same tank? I heard that Angelfish can give Discus some kind of disease. I was just womdering what your thoughts are on keeping the 2 together. Thanks! Lynn

Hi Lynn,

This is a controversial topic which I do not feel especially qualified to preach about...I will give you my two cents since you asked for my thoughts, and not the final word! I do believe that it is possible to keep discus with angelfish, and I do believe that many people have done just that, and kept both species thriving.

Do I believe it is the most aesthetic? No, because I prefer the look of a discus or angelfish tank with discus or angelfish only, perhaps with some dither fish such as cardinals and hatchetfish. Do I believe it creates complications? Yes, because these fish do have different temperaments and discus tend to be shy feeders, especially at first. Also, the quarantine process will be complicated...doable, if you are dedicated to the task!

I had not heard of angelfish giving discus diseases, if anything I would imagine it to be the opposite since the demand for wild caught discus is greater than the demand for wild caught angels (except for Altum angelfish). Many discus are plagued with intestinal parasites that need treatment with Metronidazole, Levamisole, or perhaps even Fenbendazol. Quarantine is absolutely advised, and prophylactic medicated flake would not be a bad idea. I have heard positive feedback about both the anti-protozoa and the de-worm flake here:

I have read of problems with angelfish imported from Asian fish farms, but most of these references are to older works. The availability of tank bred, high quality angelfish (online, most especially) should not make it difficult for you to secure a safe source. Buying the best quality angelfish and discus you can, and taking the necessary precautions, will increase your odds of success exponentially!

This website will give you some wisdom, if unconventional:

This article might also shed some insight on the disease issue:

In conclusion, my end thoughts are...go for it, if you are prepared for the extra work. However if you are hoping to minimize fuss, stick with one or the other and add interest in other ways, such as adding appropriate dither fish. This latter is what I would opt for, just because I prefer the KISS approach to fishkeeping (and life)...

I hope that helps, take care!