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My Black Moore Died!

23 16:48:06

Hi Megan,

I've had my Black Moore Fish for 2 months now & on Monday on both his eyes they looked like they had misted up a bit. Thought I would see how he was the next day but still looked the same. That evening I had a look in my fish book to see if there was same disease that explain what was wrong but didn't find an answer. So in the morning I thought I would go to the pet shop to ask them what treatment they would recommend for my fish.
In the morning I found my Black Moore Fish died but one of his eyes looked like it had popped or had sunken in but it was also very red & blood shot.
Was really shocked to find him like this as he only seemed not well just in 2 days.
I change the water once a week & I had only done it 2 days before I notice he was a bit poorly. A lot of illnesses are due to bad water quality but I believe my water was very clean as a lot of people don't clean there tanks once a week!
I am really upset about his death & wondered what was wrong with him or could I of given him something to make him better?
Would like to maybe get another Black Moore eventually but worried the same thing might happen again!

Hope you can help.


If the eyes poped out it could have been pop eye which can be caused by a bacteria infection. Nothing but a series of water changes and medicated food could have saved your fish. It sounds as though he was suffering. It is a blessing he is dead.
If you change the water too often, the tank doesn't have a chance to properly set and that can also cause a fish to get sick.