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Sick Beta fish, think its inflamed gill

23 15:26:55

I have two beta fish, both in their own tanks or bowls. I cleaned their tanks yesterday, but while I was transferring one of them, Shark, into his waiting bowl so I could clean his tank and he jumped out into the sink and after a little struggle I managed to get him into the bowl. He seemed fine after words and then I fed them about an hour after I had put them back in their tanks. But then after I fed them I couldn't remember if I had fed them earlier that day or not and I told one of my friends who told me to write on their tanks in crayon when I feed and clean their tanks. So I was watching them to make sure they didn't get bloated, because I had already had to deal with Shark being bloated before. So later on that night I noticed that he was having trouble getting to the bottom but my other beta Axel was fine, but I figure it was just because Axel is bigger then Shark. I decided to wait it out because that's what that web site I looked up last time said to do when they are bloated. He was still swimming at the top today and I noticed one of his gills weren't closing all of the way, so I once again searched for what was wrong and inflamed gill seemed like it fit. The problem that I have it I can't get them medicine for my fish, is there anything else I can do to save him?

The first thing I would suggest is to get them out of the bowl. There are no fish that can be housed in there. Betta males should be in their own 5 gallon tanks with a heater set at 82 degrees at all times and no filters. When doing the water changes, NEVER take the fish out of the water. When you do, something like this is bound to happen. A good rule to follow is never take the tank to the water, bring the water to the tank. The bigger the tank the easier it is to clean and keep healthy water. If they are in their own 5 gallons, you can clean the gravel with a gravel vacuum while you are doing the weekly 25% water changes. That being said, he probably injured himself when he fell into the sink. Just add a little aquarium salt to his water and he should heal up nicely. The ratio is 1 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water. The salt is added to the new water going into the tank only. The best way to do it is to get a 1 gallon container. Fill it with clean conditioned water. Take a cup out, put the salt in and pop it in the microwave. This will help dissolve the salt quickly. If it is not dissolved when added to his water it will burn him. Take out 25% of the water in his tank and replace it with 25% of the salt water. Do it twice. I mean, one on one day, skip a day and then add it on the third day. Salt does not evaporate so when he is healed it will have to be removed by doing 25% water changes without adding any more salt. Make sure the water going into his tank is the SAME temperature as the water he is swimming in.