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Tiger barbs nipping cory cats

23 16:34:49

I have an 80 Gallon tank with a variety of fish. Gouramis, Danios Tiger barbs, Neon tetras and Cory Cats. I have fourteen Tiger Barbs and they do not bother any of the fish except the Cory Cats. I know the Cory's have an "armor plating" but I am worried about them getting their fins nipped off by the tiger barbs. Is a little fin nipping going to hurt the Cory's and will their fins grow back?

Hi Paul
Yes, generally the fins will grow back.  But, it's not good because it's an "open wound", and bacteria can get in or a fungal infection can develop, both causing all kinds of problems.  And, the stress from being bullied and picked on can also kill the cory cats.  With so many of the tiger barbs, I wonder why they're picking on the cory cats?  That's strange, but tiger barbs are known to do that.  I'd say you'd probably be best removing one or the other.  Or, is it one tiger barb in particular, or all of them?

Good luck with them!
