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platy fish

25 9:09:19

Hi i have a couple of Platy's, no idea of there genders, but one of them seems to be extremely fat! i was wondering if it could be up the duff? Do they have live babies or eggs?
How on earth do i breed fish that lay eggs withut them getting eaten?
<<<confused lol
Thanks for your time.

Platies have live babies. You can tell male from female by looking at the fin near the anal area. A males fin will appear as a fin rolled up closer to the body, a females will be more of a normal fin in appearance. If you breed egg layers typically a lot of hobbyists will use a tank divider to isolate the eggs and the mother, depending on the fish and its breeding habits of course. If the the fat platy is pregnant the back portion of the abdomen will be quite dark in color. Hope to have helped. Happy fish keeping!!