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corydora fungus

23 16:29:27

Hi I was browsing for solutions on cureing my Emerald Corydoras fungus problem and found this site. I've had the same 30 gallon aquarium for years and just recently i've added catfish tetra (2 corys 2 tetras and 1 clown loch). I live in an place where the temperature can change very fast and ive heard that corys are sensitive to that so i've gotten a heater and managed to keep a temperature around 80 (is that to much?) Anyways i've been trying to cure the fungus for months now and it keeps coming back! I keep putting this fungus powder in and so far it hasen't been working. Last time this fungus broke out I cleaned out the whole tank and vacuumed the gravel and I thought it was done for but then a few months later it came back! One of the poor corys fungus turned red on one side! im getting very worried! Is there any advice you can give on cureing this?

Fungus can be a real pain to deal with, what I have found that works is aquarium salt, 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water, keep it at this level for about 5 days and then do a 20% water change, in 4 days do another 20% water change and start to lower the aquarium temperature down to about 78F, in another 4 days do another 20% water change and then go to weekly standard maintenance.  This should kill off the fungus and also bolster your fish immunity.