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silver dollar with tail fin problem

23 16:03:09


Silver Dollar
I have two medium sized Silver Dollars.  One is completely healthy with no problems.  The other one has some sort of tail fin problem. It's tail fin just keeps going away. I've been adding Stress Coat to the water and at times it seems to help some but then all of a sudden it will get worse again. It almost looks like something is eating it off.

Dear Sandra,
  There are a few possibilities.  First, and most likely, the healthy fish is nipping the other.  The are very peaceful fish until feeding time.  They are best kept in groups of 6 or more.  For this reason, one fish won't get picked on constantly.  
  It is also possible that if it gets scared it could be getting its fins caught on decorations in the tank.  
  You didn't mention if you had any other fish in the tank.  If so, that could be a possible cause.  
  If you increase the group and that doesn't work, try some medication for fin rot from your local fish store.