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parrott fish eggs

23 15:41:59

hi there please can you tell me, I know what you have already said about the fish eggs is great nd helped me alot. But what do i do with the male paarrott fish? Hes going around And eating the eggs? I have just turnt the shell over that she has layed in? She went for me like any thing? Pleaase get back asap. as they wont last for long in the tank
thank you

Hi Lucy,
It is very hard to breed Blood Parrots because they are a cross between two fish.  The males are usually infertile, but people at the farms that actually breed them to sell, inject them with hormones to make the males more fertile.  Both of the parents usually guard the eggs until it hatches and any eggs that are not fertilized or is growing fungus, will be eaten.  Breeding in a home aquarium is very very rare.