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Sluggish Pleco

23 16:58:35

Hello, I have just set up a new 65 gallon freshwater aquarium. My friend gave me three angelfish and one pleco. The pleco seems to be sad, and just hides under the fake rock, and doesn't eat the algae chips I give him. I have had him for about a week and a half. The angelfish seem fine and happy and eating. Is there anything I can do about the pleco? I have been checking all the nitrates, nitrates, ph, everything. The temp is about the same as his old tank, the nitrates and nitrites are lower, and the pH is higher.


Some fish are shy and uncertain when they first arrive into a new home. The water seems to be healthy, so that should not be causing his shyness. The best thing you can do for him is to watch him very carefully over the next while. Observe him for any signs of illness or physical distress. If he appears healthy, then he is probably just getting used to his new home. Also- it is possible he likes to come out more at night, so once the light is out in the aquarium in the evening you may also want to observe his behaviour. If he is more active at night, you should offer him an algae pellet after dark.

I hope this helps.
