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Tetras and Guppies

23 16:39:15

My classroom has a 55 gal established tank.  I have noticed that my blush tetras are nipping at the guppies to the point that they are killed.  Any suggestions on how to get this to stop?

Hi Dodi,
It's very unusual for the Blush tetras to be nipping at the guppies. If these are the species I think they are (actually albino black skirt tetras dyed) then it may be that the tetras need to be in a larger group so they stick together and occupy themselves with each-other rather than nipping your guppies.
A group of 6 or more is best. This is true for many commonly aggressive/fin-nipping species like Serpae tetras, Black skirt tetras, Tiger barbs, ect...

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes,