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treating Bettas for fin rot

23 16:36:35

I was recently advised to use Melafix or Bettafix for fin rot on my Betta (mild case). I couldn't find Bettafix at my local stores, but was able to get Melafix.  I have a
5-gal. heated & filtered tank.  The directions on the Melafix said to remove the carbon filter before treating, so I did.

I began treatment at 1/2 tsp. per day, and have been treating for 6 days now.  I also added 1 Tbsp. of dissolved aquarium salt at the onset of treatment.  The Betta and his 3 tankmates (neon tetras) all seem to be doing well so far.  However, I thought it odd that the Melafix diretions said to only do one 25% water change after 7 days of treatment.

And to my utter shock, I only just discovered on several fish discussion sites that most Betta owners will NOT even use Melafix in their tanks.  But those that do, apparently dilute it even more than recommended, and are doing a 100% water change everyday!

I feel horrible that I may have been inadvertantly and slowly poisoning my fish!  Can you respond to the issue that this medication is cumulatively building up to toxic levels with each daily addition?  And what about the warnings from other Betta owners and experts alike that it should not be used on Bettas at all?

Of course, the "experts" at Melafix claim that they would not produce and market a product that would knowlingly harm any fish.  So, what can the average consumer make of all this contradictory information?

Thank you for your help in sorting this out.  (By the way, after reading the discussion boards, I immediately did a 90% water change in my tank and put the carbon filter back in). Keeping *fingers crossed* for my fish!

Hello Viki. You seem to be having the same problem as me. I have been using Melafix for my fish, and it doesn't seem to be working well. Melafix, is known to be an antiseptic, not an antibiotic. When I found this out, I was shocked as well. The problem with Melafix, is that you have to use the exact amount, and those that don't do end up hurting their betta's. If you are adding the right amount, you are not poisoning your fish. But if you feel you are, stop the treatment right away, and do a 100% water change. I was told it was okay to use on Betta's, but I believe it should not be used at all. Those who do use it, have to use the exact amount. The treatment, didn't even help my fish at all.

Well, the experts at Melafix do claim this. The fact of it, is that it is not harmful to any fish if the exact amount is used. Then if the wrong amount is used, the fish will be harmed. After all, they would win. They would fight that the people are not using the right amount, but then again, what if we are. Melafix has its advantages, and its disadvantages, like all things.
