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Need help on growing mollies

25 9:02:26

  Hi, I purchased 1 "fat" molly,1 platy,and 5 ghost shrimp.I already had 1 now I think male molly.They were all housed together in a well planted 10 gallon.The next morning before school I found a less fat molly and plenty of babies.Well I took the babies out and they are eating good and have been getting fed 2-4 times a day.They all have fat tummies but haven't grown much to me.I've changed the water twice since they were born which was last Sun. and Mon.Well I really want to keep probably 6 or 8.They are in a 2 gallon and there is at the tops 20 of them.My sister wants two.And I want to keep a few in the 2 gallon and put some in 10 gallon I really LUV these fish and wish I could keep them all.They have been eating crushed goldfish and tropical flakes and crushed bloodworms and just got intruduced to frozen brine shrimp today they wnet nuts for that.I took the gravel out today because when I look in the tank sometimes one may be stuck in the gravel.And in the tank there's an air pump,a few plants,a dolphin ornament,and a light that keeps them warm.They have salt in the they're water also.What else should be done and inform me on everything.I want them to grow to be purty adults and have more babies.They have excellent colors.The mom is orange,black,gold,silver,and yellow, she's like a marble and they're mostly black.2 are clear with a few black spots.I really love them and need to get everything perfect for their health and wellbeing.They will be a week old tommorrow night and Monday morning.

Hi Mark;

They really need a regular tank so they can have plenty of room, filtration and a heater as well. They will have a hard time growing in such a small container. For two mollies, you need a ten gallon tank. Make a 25% water change twice a week so they grow fast and stay healthy. Fresh water is very important to mollies. It gives them the electrolytes and trace elements they need.

Have fun with those little guys and gals!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins