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ghost shrimp, serpae tetra

23 15:27:44

Hi, I have a male betta in a 2 gal. tank...I bought two ghost shrimp to go along with it, but the betta tried to eat them, so i put them in a small, seperate container for now. I am wanting to get 3 serpae tetras and a (2-3?) gallon tank...will the tetras eat the shrimp or ignore them?...if they will eat them, what small tetra or danio do you recommend me to get?
thanks, Cheryl.

Hi Cheryl,

Everyone thinks Bettas can be kept in bowls.  Well, they often suffer greatly because of small environments.  Bettas must have at least five gallons of water, with a filter.

When you move him to a normal sized tank (a 5 gallon or larger) you can then add the shrimp, and the tetra and he should be less likely to chew them.

Happy fish-keeping.