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overcrowding the tank

23 16:55:32

How many fish is the right amount for a 55 gallon tank. I know size matters so most of my fish range in the size of 1-2.5 inches, mollies, tetras, diano, guppys etc. how many is to many or what do you recomend?  Thanks

Just to give you an idea, I have a 55 gallon community tank, at home and it is stocked as follows:  

        -10 Zebra Danios
        - 9 Black Widow/Black Skirt Tetras
        - 7 Bleeding Heart Tetras
        - 4 Bristlenose Plecos
        - 3 Clown Loaches
        -10 Rummy Noses
        -12 Mollys
        - 4 Corys
        - 6 Rosy Barbs.

You CAN overstock a tank and looking at my list of fish you may think mine is overstocked BUT you have to keep in mind that my tank has two filtration systems running and more than a dozen plants in it and I do a minimum of 25% water change weekly, which helps to keep the level of bacteria in check.

Hope this helps!
