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Black Mollies ..breeding

23 16:13:15

I have a 29Gal tanK with only goldfish for feeding our Oscars (3).
At any given time, there are approx 30-50 in the tank.

Recently, we purchased 2-black Mollies and 2-white lyretail mollies; 1 very pregnant. Is it possible to keep the mollies in the same tank with the goldfish? My concern is that the goldfish will eat the fry.

Thank you

Hi Carleen,
Your concern is right. The goldfish will very likely eat the molly fry. I probably wouldn't keep any other fish in the same tank as the feeder goldfish. Actually, feeder goldfish aren't the best diet for goldfish. With as many quality pellet foods, frozen foods, and alternative live food available now, feeders aren't necessary, they tend to not be very nutritional anyway and goldfish always run the risk of transmitting a disease to the oscars.

Anyway, best of luck with your oscars!