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125 gallon fresh water tank need help

23 15:18:19

My fish tank is 125 gallon fresh water with some plants and fish I have not had the best luck on keeping all my fish alive.The ph in my water is about 8.0 ,Most of the plants are looking a light green .So im not sure maybe if I dont have enough lights ,I have 4 40 WATT T  12S and 1 T 8 .Can you help me with what I should do?

Hi Nicole,

While I'm not so much an expert on planted tanks... A little bit more info would be helpful!

Like what species of plants you are currently keeping?
What kind of additives do you add to the water (like fertilizers for the plants)?

And if you need advice on keeping your fish alive... Some info like -

What species were you trying to keep?
How often did you do water changes?
Was the tank cycled?

These little bits of information will really help me offer more advice! :-)

Good luck!