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going green- tank cleaning

23 16:08:47


First off, I want to say this site is priceless. I have never posted a Q/A to it but I use it almost weekly to find information and I value all the advice I find. Thank you all of you who spend your time answering these questions.

Now, my question... I currently use the typical faucet/vacuum system for cleaning my 30gal fish tank for a single fish I have had for 3 years now. The 30 gallon is a recent upgrade from a 20 gallon so my buddy can have more freedom. He (she?) loves it. Anyway, I find that the faucet/vacuum system is wasteful and my new home does not have adequate water pressure to provide enough suction in the vacuum. So I have had trouble cleaning the tank. Well, my best friend almost died because the water got really bad and I couldn't clean up faster than he was dirtying it.

I have searched everywhere for a non-submersible pump that I could use in-line to a suction hose, plug into a wall outlet, and vacuum out the tank. I looked for 120gph - 160gph, emailed several outdoor stores to see if they carried fountain pumps or bilge pumps that fit that description.

Do you know of any way to effectively clean a tank other than using a faucet system and isn't wasteful?

Thank you so much!!!

Hi Eric,
I'm with you on not wanting to waste all that water down the drain. So that's why I use an extra -long- hose on my vacuum tube. The long hose easily reaches from my tanks and can be placed outside so it can water the grass or whatever else is growing around. Plants thrive on fish water. ;-)

All you need to do is know the Inner Diameter of the hose of your current siphon tube and go to your local hardware store and buy however much length you need of same size clear tubing. Bring a sample to the store if needed...
Then simply attach the hose on the vacuum tube and run the rest of the hose out the front or back door. Some people even use a window. And despite a long length, the extended hose will drain a tank quite quickly and be able to clean your gravel very well.
This is my best solution to waste-water problems and I'm sure you'll find it quite wonderful too!

I hope this helps!