Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > sick danio

sick danio

23 16:41:28

Hi Chris,
I have a 200ltr tank which has been established for around 3 years. At present i am unsure if I have a SICK Danio.  I have a school in the tank which have been there for about 9 months with no hassles, but i have just come across one of them that looks as if he is swollen.  It also seems as if he is breathing harder than the others.  Nothing in the tank has changed nor has their food.  Do you think he is sick or is it a possibility that it's a she and maybe pregnant?

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Kyree;

Fish with eggs in them don't usually breathe harder than the others. It sounds more like it could be a condition known as "dropsy". I've seen it many times in danios. Here is a link to an article about it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins