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helloI have an oscar who...

25 9:15:51

I have an oscar who made it through very high nitrite and amonia levels. One died  but the other made it throught 2 weeks fine. levels are perfect now and safe but he took a turn for the worst. he was against the heater for 2 days nose down; tail up;  I was told to put salt  in the tank to get rid of any parasites. and change the water at the same time 30%.  I did that an amazingly enough. he move away from the heater has been a little more moble(that was yesterday) this morning he actually came up to eat for the first time in days.  He popped a couple pellet in his mouth; they popped right out but i was just happy he tried. his side fin is jagged and top and bottom but his color has come back.  some one told me to buy betadyne put fish in net lift him out of water swab the fish and it will help with the repair. is this true?  I need help   do you thing he will make it; and is there anyting else I can do . Thank you for your expert advise and time. lisa

That may work,but i suggest getting yourself a medication called Paragon.It is a fish Antibiotic.You will have to treat him for 3 days.If there is any hope at all,this should snap him out of it and help him heal.If it's not to late he should be fine.
Good luck Please let me know how it goes.
