Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > compatibility!


23 16:42:47

hi!!! i want to buy a betta, but i want to have it with some blue neon fish and maybe cats ... i've read a lot about bettas and apparently they get along with these fish! but some people told me that i can't mix bettas with ANY fish!!! =( is that true? well, and if i can have 1 betta with these fish, should it be male or female?! thanx! =)

hey there doina,

Definately not true, bettas can be community fish of course. You would want a female fish of course.. you can house a couple of them together without problems usually if you add males into the mix that can cause problems. Bettas are also tropical fish remember so they like tropical temperature waters.

I'd startout with probably a 20 gallon fish tank, you can get some bettas, any type of cory fish are good tank mates, aswell any type of tetra... (neon tetras)

that's a start goodluck .

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