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23 16:25:10

I have a 28 gal. fish tank that I started a month ago.Iwould like to put in 4 white clouds, 4 neon tetras, 4 glow fish 2 dwarf gouramis and 2 chinese algae eaters. Is this to many fish for my tank and are these fish compatible with one another? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you Roberta

Hi Roberta
I would recommend increasing the neon tetras, white clouds, and glo fish to at least 5 or 6 per group, only 1 gourami, and no chinese algae eaters.  Dwarf gouramis are supposed to be a bit more peaceful, but I"ve heard a few stories of them being aggressive as well, so I only recommend 1 gourami to a tank.  

Chinese algae eaters are notorious for growing huge, becoming aggressive, and eventually they stop eating the algae.  So, I'd recommend going with a Siamese algae eater instead(be sure to research these guys first so many places mislabel Chinese algae eaters as Siamese and vice versa), or a smaller pleco variety like a bristlenose, rubber lip, or clown pleco.  And, I'd hold off on the algae eater for awhile as well, until there's actually algae growing.  

Also, I"m assuming you're doing a fishless cycle?  Be sure to add these fish slowly, only a few at a time or one group at a time, and also wait till the tank is completely cycled before adding them.

Hope that helps and let me know if you have more questions!
