Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Goldy


23 16:16:14

I moved from the city water to the country well water recently, and my gold fish that has never in the three years i have been blessed with him has had no trouble,but now,i have three gold fish and one algia eater in a 30 gallon tank i keep it clean,i have a good filter and change it regularly every 2 to 3 weeks they only get flakes,and my poor fish are in crisis my favorite has tail deterioration on the tips,and he has red streaks in his tail and front fins he also has what looks like a white milky coat over one eye,he was not active like he used to be ,,i have tried today salt but am in fear this will stress him i put him in a smaller tank alone and am using distilled water what do you think ? please help soon he is a family pet we love very much

Well, it sounds very much like a fungus. This will need to be treated. Get an all-in-one fungal treatment and treat your fish follow all the directions exactly. Also, make sure you have well water and not just country water. Test it to make sure there is no clorine in it so you know if you should be declorinating or not. Treat your fish and hopefully it will be strong enough to survive. I hope this helps and I hope the treatment works. Let me know if you need anything else.