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2 question

23 15:34:37

1) I've got green on the forming on the gravel and decorations (not on the tank surface)  It suddenly appeared within a week is bright green and each rock it is covered in the green with 1 long strand (1/2 inch) flowing from the rock.  I thought algae, but can't identify which kind if that is what it is.  Thoughts?
2)My tank has 6 tetras, a betta, a couple of danios, and 3 rasboras.  Two of the Rasboras look filmy (no spots just a light film) they seem to be struggling  Hanging more toward the bottom, and not schooling a usual.  What might this be?

Thank you

Hi Lisa,

Well, that is hair algae.  It can only grow in extremely dirty water.  To grow, algae needs poop, food and light.  It's got all 3 to grow hair algae.

Proper feeding = only a few flakes.  Enough to eat in 1 minute without any hitting the bottom of the tank.  Feeding properly is one time a day.

So, let's take a look at your aquarium's dimensions.

You mention having 6 tetra and a betta, and a couple danios, 3 rasboras...and those are filmy.  This is also from water quality.

The total of fish is around a dozen and these are all considered 1.5" fish to 2", so they each require 3 gallons of water dedicated to each fish, at that size, and if only 1" they require 1.5 gallons dedicated to each one.  I assume these are in a 30 gallon aquarium, right?  That is the requirement for so many fish.

My guess is they are not in the appropriately-sized tank, and if they are in the right size tank, then the filtration is not working properly.  Someone probably sold you a filter and tank combination that says it's the right sized filter for your tank, but they were probably petstore employees, (or it was a boxed set...they are commonly sold to work together but do not) who are often wrong, and un-educated about fish-keeping.  

If a filter is rated to 10 gallons, or it says 10/20, it's only rated to 10.  Always go to the lower # rather than the higher #.  If it says it's rated to 10 gallons, it's only going to handle 5.  I wish the US Dept of Weights & Measures would get a rating hold on aquarium filtration ratings...manufacturers misrepresent them ALL the time.  It happens everywhere, all over the world and people go home buying a 20 gallon filter, thinking it's going to work.  It doesn't tell you on the box to change the media every single month.  It doesn't tell unsuspecting people to change the water in the tank every month too...they think the filter will do all the work.  They just don't know any better, and petstore employees will lie right to you about how much cleaning it takes to keep a tank and filter going properly.

I maintain mine weekly in some tanks, and in others, every 3 days.  No joke. I check water parameters every 3 days.

Okay, back to your fish - the slime discoloration comes from the skin burning.  That is from the water being unclean.

The hair algae is from poop being in the water.

To test this thoery, take some water out, put it into a bowl.  Make sure it's a nice, white bowl.  

Check the water's coloration.  If there is ANY coloration to the water (not crystal clear and seethrough 100%), then there are nitrates in the water.  If that color is yellow, it's nitrites and ammonia and it is literally burning your fish's skin.  If it's green water, it's algae, which can only form from poop...that means your water's full of poop.

If the water is more brown, then it's from overfeeding and a combination of the above two things.

If it's seethrough, crystal clear, then it's possibly not from a water condition.

Lisa, my advice is to change the tank's water, and to wash out the gravel.  Change the filter pads, wash out the filter and then start it up again.

Use a dechlorinator product when changing out the water.

I don't want you to misunderstand my reply and to take it personally.  Don't take it personally, because it's very obvious you love your fish, or you would not have written in about them.  I feel for you...believe me.  

If you require any additional advice, please feel free to respond.  I will do my best to help you through this.

Happy fish-keeping.
