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23 16:57:52

It is the swords that I am concerned about... infact, the female is now dead and finless. I came home from work today and she was lifeless or close to it at the bottom of the tank. I have moved the remaining male into a smaller tank with the danios and the platy. Into the Tetra tank I have put 2 gold Gourami which I have been told will keep the tetra in line. Could be fun.

The text above is a follow-up to ...

I have been mislead and put a pair of serpae tetra in with a male and female green sword. The are in a 15 gallon tank together and it has been one week. We just noticed this evening that the tetra are trying to eat the female sword. The male sword doesnt look very happy with her either; but thats besides the point. If she makes it until morning... my question is... can we put the swords in with a pair of Danios and a pair of tuxedo platys or is this bad. That would be in a 10 gal tank. I dont want my swords to die. I will go out and get something more suitable for my tetra... like a Great White.
Help... I fear not much time.


From what I know about green swordtails (I am assuming that is what you are talking about as I have personally never heard of a green sword) they are community fish. As long as you find fish that are friendly, community fish as well they should be fine. And yes, danios and platys are usually very suitable community fish. If you are unsure of any fish species, and whether or not its a community fish, you should find a store that specializes in fish as the staff there are usually much more fish-wise.

I hope this helps.



I am sorry to hear about your sword, but it sounds like you have sorted everything out quite well. Gouramis are great to have, and they absolutely can hold their own. However, if your serpae is particularly aggresive simply make sure that your gouramis are as big as it, or even bigger.
