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My fish may be sick - help!

23 16:53:56

Hi there. It was recently my birthday and as a gift my partner gave me two goldfish (fantails - one black one orange). I have had them for four days but am very concerned for them. I am feeding them regular flaked food from the pet shop, but they are now doing red poo's that are very long and thin and don't seem to fall off easily. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I love my fish but don't want to make them ill! Please help, thanks xxx

Hi Sidonie
Happy late birthday!!  
Fish poop should be about the same color as the food you're feeding.  And how long is the poop exactly?  Is it longer then the fish?  Kind of trailing it around the tank?  If it is long like that, that could mean it's stressed out.  How large is the tank they're in?  For goldies, it's usually recommended to have at least 15-20 gallons per goldfish.  And, being a new tank, I'm sure it's not cycled yet.  That could also stress them out as well.  If you're not familiar with tank cycling, let me know and I can post a few good links on what it is and how to do it.  

As far as feedings go, only feed once a day.  Be sure to vary their diet a bit as well.  With goldies it's better to feed them a sinking food.  When they eat food that's floating at the top, this can cause them to take in a bunch of air as well-which leads to swim bladder problems.  With mine when I feed them flakes, I put the flakes in at the filter so the water pushes them down under the surface.  A sinking pellet food is good as well.  Frozen foods like bloodworms, shrimp, krill, romaine lettuce, spinach, are all good.  Also, at least once a week  feed them a shelled pea.  This helps prevents constipation and can help with swim bladder problems.  Varying the diet might help with the poop as well.

Hope that helps and good luck with your new fish!!  If you have any more questions, please ask!
